A press conference was held in the Berekum East Municipality by the residents of Macasie and the surrounding communities. 

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Good morning, press representatives, dignitaries, and members of the community. We appreciate you coming here today. 
As a group, we stand here to represent the tenacious residents of Mpatasie and the other communities. Our voices reflect the common challenges, objectives, and dreams that unite us. 
The Mpatasie zone has not profited from the distribution of National Cake and has been disregarded by the government in all of its development initiatives, which comprise; 

1. Bad Condition of Our Roads 
Our roadways have turned into dangerous and perilous places, ladies and gentlemen. Our town is scarred by negligence, and lives are at stake. Because of their horrible state, lives are lost and our regular lives are disturbed. Our pledge of an asphalt road was made prior to the 2020 election. But the contractor disappeared after the election, leaving us with deteriorating roads and unfulfilled promises. Emergency vehicles have difficulty navigating certain routes. Our requests have been ignored. To say these roads are emergency is an understatement. 
We require immediate action! 


                                                 PEPAASE TO KOTAA BRIDGE 


                                         PEPAASE TO KOTAA BRIDGE 

2. Perilous Bridges.  Silent killers are the bridges across Mpatasie-Pepaase, Pepaase-Kotaa, Akroforo-Domeabra, and Mpatasie-Zaabo Zongo. As we cross, terror consumes our hearts and rust eats away at their foundations. They sag, creak, and threaten life. Every day, commuters, seniors, and children put their safety at danger. We beg the government to protect our safety by giving bridge repairs top priority. 

3. Inadequate lavatory facilities 
A human right is access to basic sanitation. But there aren’t enough adequate restrooms in our neighbourhoods. Our kids urinate in the bushes, others suffer humiliation and health hazards. 
Additionally, there are no restrooms at any of the local schools, particularly Mpatasie Basic Schools. In order to promote cleanliness, establish public restrooms, and protect our wellbeing, we demand prompt action. 

See also  Parliamentary seat saga: Supreme Court mustn’t be a ‘hatchet agent’ – Tony Aidoo

4. Crisis of street lighting  Our evenings are black with shadows. Our streets are dark from Golden City Park to Mpatasie since there are no lamps. Vehicles drive carelessly, pedestrians trip, and everyone’s safety is in jeopardy. We implore the government to brighten our lives by illuminating our routes. 

As a result, we are giving the authorities one month to respond to our pleas through this news conference, failing which the aforementioned villages will stage a large-scale demonstration, forbid any political campaigns, and abstain from the upcoming general elections. 
Our determination is unshakeable. Our unity will never waver. 
I’m grateful to everyone that attended. 

Eternal Life, Berekum 
Godspeed, Bono. 
Ghana, Me Man Nti, Enye Me Nti, long live. 


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