Men quit being liable in Relationship

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It’s critical to identify and stay clear of several common mistakes in the complicated world of contemporary relationships that can result in imbalanced and unhealthy dynamics. Making sure your spouse is not a burden is one of the most important things to think about. A liability in a relationship depletes your financial and emotional reserves without making a significant positive impact on your life. For men to grow personally and have a satisfying relationship, they must recognise and steer clear of such partners.

1. A girl who doesn’t have transport fare to visit someone that she claims she love. (liability)

2.  A lady who can’t get you birthday or valentine gift but expect you to bring down the world for her during hers.(liability)

3. Someone who can’t comfortably call you on the phone for five(5) minutes. Always flashing, complaining and requesting for data and airtime…(liability)

4. I wonder how some Men cope with ladies that think a relationship is an occupation where she’s supposed to be paid and taken care of??(Sex is not a benefit to only men, such a girl is a (liability).

5. Stop dating a liability no matter how beautiful she is. Beauty is a bonus, focus on her content! Date a lady who can add something meaningful to your life.Things like: financial intelligence, emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence.

6. Date someone who’s capable of managing multiplying whatever she has and the ones you give to her, your soul will be at peace! Not someone that will always be at the receiving end.

7. I’m not saying she must be rich. But let her have something doing no matter how little it is because no matter how much money you make, she must be able to assist you during the rainy days

Two good heads are better than one. Guy’s am I speaking your mind?